Right now I'm just exhausted and bored with homework and studies. I think the exhaustion is because I haven't been eating properly lately + I've started working out = NOT a good combination. But I'm trying to save some money here! Good and nutritious food is expensive, or is it? ;) I just think I haven't had the time or the inspiration to cook something really good, so therefore I go for the easy way out: sandwiches, yoghurt, noodles, pasta, pasta, pasta and.. pasta! Well you get a hang of it don't you? I also haven't been drinking as much water as I use to. It's pretty obvious when I have been drinking enough water and when I haven't. I'm much more energetic and upbeat when I get enough of that H2O.
Anyway, I just feel like lying on my bed talking to Sinai over the phone, but she's too busy :( So I guess I'll have to go with my Motown book, but that's not too bad either :)
Btw, my "ex" neighbor called me yesterday after trying a couple of times earlier. I have been so busy this week so I didn't return his calls, I couldn't even find the time to remember. Every time I thought about it I was busy. So, what you didn't know is that he has moved! He had to move because he made too much noise, and I had a part in that. Not the noise-making I mean, the fact that he had to move :$.. But I mean, everyone knows the rules when they move here and if you can't live by the rules then you only have yourself to blame. But I do feel a little bad for him moving.. Even though he disturbed me a couple of times in the middle of the night with his parties I do miss having him here, he's a sweet guy. He is very shy but he's still managed to ask me out, twice. Yesterday he asked me if I want to go and see a movie a second time. And you know me, I rarely say no to a movie, so of course I said yes (: I'm hoping to see Jim Carrey's new picture "I Love You Phillip Morris". We didn't set a date cause I told him I don't know yet bc all the studying I have to do. But I think it'll happen sometime this upcoming weekend. Something to look forward to, always a good thing :)
I'm putting up some pics of my apartment for you to see Sinai (and anyone else who wants to know how my shoebox for an apartment looks like) (:
From now on I'll be counting the days until school starts, the 20th of September, at Columbia College Hollywood in L.A. :)
23/4-10: At school
23/4-10: Girls night in ♥
We kicked him out a couple of mins later after this pic was taken. No hard feelings, you know you're my budds Mats :)
Such a sweetheart. I love that bow on her. I say "My loff", with an Irish accent
Singstar DISNEY. Not a hit, not for me anyway (:
We lööööv sushi don't we
I swear I didn't mean for this picture to end up like this. Well, Susanna (in the middle) has to answear for her part, but my pose was totally accidential haha, it's true
Oh, how did they wind up here? Well, we all love titties
You can just feel the excitement I'm feeling right this moment, and Bella is even more excited (;
I want to start off with sayin just how HAPPY I am right now (: And the reasons for that are several!
1. I GOT ACCEPTED TO COLUMBIA COLLEGE HOLLYWOOD!!!! My first choice ((: *Yeeeeeey to thaat!* ''ckeck''
2. Since I've been accepted to CCH it definitely means that: I'M GOIN TO AMERICA! ''check''
3. I've got a new SEXY haircut. NO more flatness, just plain sexiness ;) ''check''
4. I get to spend my Friday together with two sweetpeaches whom I care about dearly ♥ We're having a girls night IN ''check''
5. I got a job for the summer! ''check''
6. It's been a great week in school. I've done really well and I think I can expect a very high degree when I graduate *MORE yeeeey to THAT!* :) ''check''
7. I'm getting a digital camera tomorrow ''check''
The man walking in front is said to be the head of the Gambino family; John "Jackie Nose" D'Amico
I can't wait til Friday, I have a little surprise for you all, especially my two girls at VÄÄÄRMDÖ!
This week is soooo hectic, there's soo much to do!! Two tests, two assignments, preparing for three more tests next week. I'm going oooout of my mind here!! Well Friday is going to be a real reliever when I get to just drop it all for one night and just hang out with Susanna and Bella, having a wonderful ladies night. I haven't dressed up for ages so it's going to be real fun to do feel pretty for once (:
School's screaming for me, GTG!
This is how I'm feeling right now (: Jaaaaaames Broown singin: "LIVIN IN AMEEEEERICAA"
You know, EXTREME HOME MAKEOVER is like therapy for me. I see all of these families, struggling with their daily lives and then I realize how fortunate I am. But I easily forget.. and then I need to be reminded again.
Today it's about a father of four who lost his leg while serving as a marine in Iraq. They talk a lot about the dignity of serving their country and being a real American and so forth. I don't know, I kind of.. I don't like that kind of talk. I don't really know why. Maybe because I have so little knowledge of that area. Of being a patriot.. of war. I'm very much against war and I reeeally don't understand how people are willing to go to war for a country's sake. Maybe it sounds stupid.. I don't know. But what I do know is that I want to know more about soldiers who's serving at war. To gain understanding is one of the biggest and most important things in life; it makes it a lot more easier.
Just a beautiful picture of my beautiful IRELAND, for you all to escape to in your daydreams
"My loff" :)
It's time for the Jackson Dynasty again tonight. Lookin forward to it. REALLY lookin forward to it! (: It's only two episodes left.. :( And I still don't know if they've had their 40th anniversary concert yet? But I guess I'll find out during the last episode?..
NICE, my english teacher is sick (that's not so nice), so we get to go earlier today and that's why I'm not going to sit here at school any longer, I'm heading off hooome!
Oh, one more thing, don't forget to watch BIGGEST LOSER tonight :D
I've been to Friskis & Svettis two times now since I bought my trainging pass. The first time was a yoga class and today was something called Ki balance. I don't think I'll do the Ki thing again, I'll just stick to the gym and the yoga, and maybe a core pass once in a while. I need to get really motivated, I want to be really fit and healthy for the summer! It's time to bring out that ROCKY box again I think. I get really motivated when I watch those movies, especially the second one. Tomorrow morning I'm heading for the gym before school, it's gonna feel really good I'm sure. Time to hit the bed and watch some "Sex Rehab With Dr. Drew" before I fall asleep (:
Nighty night everybody ♥
I'm soooooooo looking forward to buying a new set of clothes, whenever that'll happen (:
Maybe something like this..
I bought my trainging pass for a month at Fristis & Svettis today and I did my first Yoga class in ages. I wasn't as bendable as the ladie you see on the picture, but I'll get there :) It feels good to have gotten started anyway.
I'm going to celebrate it together with my family (and my biggest little sister Magda who just came home from a week in Portugaaal! She's too brown and now I'm even whiter) and some delicious home-made pizza and FAT waffles with whip cream and jaam. BEAT THAT! Yuummy.. :D
The pizza is waiting!! SO LONG suckers!
(Not sure if THAT'S what's goin to happen, but it'll be nice allright :) )
There are two things that I'm going to do as soon as I arrive in Los Angeles:
1. Stand at the gates of Neverland
2. Visit the Ellen DeGeneres Show
I'm goin out of my mind here. Does anybody know when the Jackson brothers are doin their 40th anniversary concert or if it's already been done? I can't seem to find it anywhere and that must mean that it hasn't happened yet right? I've seen October 2009, I've seen sometime in 2010. When is it? Jackson family, we love you, you're great
Today I'm really going to make a change. I'm gonna take my mom and we're going to buy two training cards at FRISKIS OCH SVETTIS and damn it we're gonna make something happen. She and I needs it and we can support each other. I'm determined to turn my life around and I know it's not going to be easy and it's not going to be done over night, but I WILL do it. The secret to a more calm and happy life is tranquility in your mind and soul, so what I need to start doing is to take yoga classes and try some meditation at home. I want to be more positive and more loving towards life and towards people. And it starts TODAY!
OMG, I'm now officially addicted to BIGGEST LOSER. Once you've started watching from the beginning then it's hard to stop. I'M LOOVIN IT! I have got to stop lookin so much at TV, I didn't use to do that about a yr ago. What's happened? I think the summer and the US will make it stop, hopefully (: Time for LYXFÄLLAN :P...
I'm rooting for the brown team. I love these guys and they're doing really good so I think they have a REALLY good chance. GO, GO, GO!
While I was out today handing out CV's I passed by my old after-school where I spend most of my days when I was younger. And right across the street is a park where I've been playing ever since I was a baby. Those are the places where I was the happiest. Now the after-school is gone, long time ago, and the park is re-built, not at all as nice as it used to be. It's such a shame. I really loved my days at my after-school. I used to practice Michael Jackson's dance steps. I remember when my mom bought me the HIStory album right when it came out and Blood On the Dancefloor. I remember painting MJ drawings and I used to sell them for 5 kronor in the park. I used to dress up like Michael, I remember mom bought me a pair of black leather pants and a white shirt. We curled my hair and put it in a low pony tail, just like Michael's, and I performed a couple of times, with background dancers and all. We did Black or White, Bad, Billie Jean, Smooth Criminal. You name it, I did it. Those were the days, the happy days. I wish I could get my hands on a video from one of those performances. Or at least a photo. There is nothing. Such a shame.. That's when Michael started to really mean something w/ me and he's been stuck w/ me ever since.. That kind of love never dies.
Now, Sinai's daughter is only a couple of years old and she's crazy about Michael. Always Michael, Michael, Michael. And I feel her in a way. And I get happy when I hear about how crazy she is about him bc that's how I felt when I was younger as well (and still does). I hope she never forgets about that love bc it is true happiness to feel that way about something or someone, especially as a child. And I'm sure she will look back when she gets older and feel re-connect to that happiness, just like I am. It's a powerful feeling. Whenever I think of Michael, weather it is with happiness or sadness, I feel this powerful and enormous feelings taking over mer. It's a great feeling to have, I'm telling you..
Michael's importance to me is huge. He is my inspiration, motivation. Love and kindness. He's a great passion in my life. He is the happy days of childhood, to me.
Summers in Sweden are the best time of the year. Even though you don't have any cash, AT ALL, you can still be out all day w/ friends. I'm extra happy bc Charlotte is staying for the whole summer. She lives in London otherwise w/ her bf. But since I will be gone for 2 yrs it's simply perfect, we'll be able to hang out a lot before I goooo. She's said that she'll try to come visit me, I really hope so. ALL visits are more than welcome! Another great thing is that I will be hanging out a lot more w/ my bgf Cristina, I think she will be spending a great deal of the summer here in Stockholm if I'm not mistaking. We haven't talked in a while, I guess I should call her, but my phone is dead :( Right now she's living in Uppsala with HER bf while they are studying. I use to tell them, Cris and Charlotte, that when we're older we'll be spending Christmas together and they will be there w/ their husbands and kids and I'll be right in the middle, ALL ALONE. Hahaha. I haven't had a bf in ages now, I think like 3 yrs to be more exact. But I guess it's mostly my own fault :) But it doesn't really bother me either. You know what they say: when the time is right..
♥ ♥
I also want to say that these two girls mean SO MUCH to me. We've been through a lot, big and small, and I love you both very, very much. Even though I might not always show it, at least I know it. We go through different paths in our lives and right now I'm in a time in my life where I need to focus on certain things a bit more, but that doesn't mean I don't care about you! I'm looking forward to many WONDERFUL years together with the two of you. We've had some great times and we're gonna have some hell of a great times more. We're gonna travel, we're gonna celebrate, we're gonna raise our kids. We're going to have a great life together, even though we sometimes go our different ways in life.. I love you both very much and I'm looking forward to spending another happy summer with you.
I was out today handing out about 20 CV's. At first it was a bit nervous and then after about five it just went smooth. Hopefully someone will call back (but not today I hope cause my phone is dead!). There was this bakery where the girl I talked to said they were really in a need for employing, soo.. hopefully!
I'm excited. Tonight is the night. It's the Jacksons night. :) 22:40 at channel 4 ♥
For all of you who's wondering if Jim Carrey is as hilarious off screen as on screen the answer is YEES you guys! I am a happy follower of his on Twitter and everyday he Tweets about 20 times, and I'm not exaggerating now, it's true. And each and every one of his Tweets is FUN. Most of em makes you laugh out loud and he always makes these crazy smilies. Anyways, as he was Tweeting on (I also have his lovely Jen McCarthy on Twitter) he (and Jen) announced that they have gone their separate ways. They ANNOUNCED it on Twitter!! And they both have like a couple of million followers each. I don't know if I would have done that. Maybe they're really comfy with Twitter and all, reeeeally lovin their dear followers (including me). Well, I think it's a real bummer, they were looking PRETTY nice together, a sweet couple. I mean, who can resist those white, sexy legs of his?! Well, ladies, the hilarious man is free, GO GET HIM!
I met with my Charlotte the other day when me and my little sister were going out for some egg-paint. It's always good to see her but she's going back today :( It's hard to find a time that works for both of us since she's got a FULL schedule and I've got a lot going in school. But the good thing is that she'll be back again in a week and she'll maybe stay here during the whole summer. That would be perfect! That way I can see her more often before I move to the States :)
I was on my date yesterday by the way. It was nice. I met him outside Hard Rock where he works, but at first he wasn't there, he was inside and he told me to come in. So I figured that's where he wanted to take me to eat so I said no and told him to come out. He came and we went to a nice pizza place nearby. We sat talking for a while, he told me about his family and such and I found out that he actually understands Swedish!! And I've been talking English with him all this time hahaha. Well, no more. He's gonna have to learn how to speak good Swedish. He already is pretty good. Anyways, enough about him. I don't think there'll be a second date anyway. Soorry, haha!
I LOVE books! Sometimes I think they're the best thing in the world, BOOKS! Isn't it great that there are libraries where you can lend books for FREE?? You can read as much as you want, bring home loads of music for weeks at a time and rent movie after movie, all without a cost. I think it's fantastic and I hope it never goes away. I brought home a new book yesterday: Motown: Music, Money, Sex and Power. So far so good! I love to know about the Motown days and all the amazing artists from that time. I've already read about Michael Jackson and Diana Ross. I would like read about Smokey and the Miracles and the Supremes as well.
Alright, it's time for some Oprah Winfrey Show. Today it's about a mother of three who was an alcoholic for years. I feel so sorry for her children, I can partly see myself in them and feel their pain. So sad..
I'm sitting at home, waiting, and longing, for THE JACKSONS to come on, and what happens?! BORAT starts, 40 min before my show is about to begin, so I realize something's been changed. I look at the programme listings and there's NO Jacksons anywhere?! It's been moved to next Thursday, just so that they can show fucking Borat?! Are you kidding me!?! HUGE disappointment. First they changed the time from 21:00 to 22:40, and then they just move it around as they like.. Bad, bad service. And now there is nothing to watch, the best there is is Bad Boys, but I'm not in the mood for that kind of thing.
Buuu for channel 4! Major disappointment.
I must say that I am once again very impressed with Gaga’s and Åkerlund’s beautiful collaboration. This time it's their latest work TELEPHONE, featuring Miss Knowles. The production is brilliantly executed and I am very inspired by the way the video is done; the colors, the costumes, the way it’s edited. It’s all perfect. ENJOY you guys:
I just came home from a couple of hours of school and a meeting with my new boss, well that's what I thought. We talked for a while and then set a couple of days for introduction. I was excited as hell when I walked out of her office and then went for a small shopping spree to buy loads of candy to fill 6 Easter eggs. About an hour after my meeting with "my boss" she called me and said she had talked to one of my references who apparently had a lot of bad things to say about me. It was a real downer, I was happy to have been given a job so that I don't have to worry about the summer and now this?! Apparently this "reference" has been talking shit about me to other people where I've been applying for a job. As you probably can understand, I didn't get the job. So all I can say is: UP YOURS! I know what I'm good for and it ain’t that bunch of shit coming out of that bitch's mouth that's for sure.
But, I happen to believe that everything happens for a reason so hopefully something even better will come out of it. Back to searching for a job then! EXCITING!
By the way, I found a note in my letterbox when I came home and it was from my next door neighbor, asking me out on a date hah! (: He asked me if he could take me to the movies tonight to see Aniston’s new film BOUNTY HUNTER. I think the note was meant for yesterday though, but he didn’t write a date on it so I’m not sure. I wasn’t home yesterday; I was sleeping at my mom’s house after babysitting their neighbors’ daughter Stella sooo, I don’t know. Maybe it was yesterday or maybe it’s tonight, we’ll see. I wrote back, thinking it’s tonight, that I have to be home at 22:40 because that’s when THE JACKSONS start, and I just HAVE TO see it. I suggested we could see it tomorrow or on Sunday. We’ll see what he says, the note will probably dump back in my letterbox later. Haha, guess what? Just when I wrote: “the note will probably dump back in my letterbox later”, the note dumped down in my letterbox, I’m gonna get it right away, hold on…
Ok, so it’s set for Sunday! Cewl, I actually wanted to see that movie, I’m a big fan of Jen so it’s greeeeat! Gosh, I feel much better already. Just when I found out that I didn’t get the job I was ready to burst into tears, but now I feel pretty good. I’ll find a better job, I’m sure.
Mmmm, I’m hungry. Time for some cold smoked salmon and some TV! Adiós amigos y amigas ♥, and a special hello to my only two followers, Sinai and Elina (: