As you know I got myself a new digital camera this Friday and these are the results (: I have to say I think the quality of the pics is great. Good buy. Enjoy (; !
23/4-10: At school
23/4-10: Girls night in ♥
We kicked him out a couple of mins later after this pic was taken. No hard feelings, you know you're my budds Mats :)
Such a sweetheart. I love that bow on her. I say "My loff", with an Irish accent
Singstar DISNEY. Not a hit, not for me anyway (:
We lööööv sushi don't we
I swear I didn't mean for this picture to end up like this. Well, Susanna (in the middle) has to answear for her part, but my pose was totally accidential haha, it's true
Oh, how did they wind up here? Well, we all love titties
You can just feel the excitement I'm feeling right this moment, and Bella is even more excited (;