It's not long now util I'm off to Cali. I was at my mom's house today to congratulate her on her 51st birthday. She's got the flu so I bought her a boquet of beautiful pink tulips and she was so happy. We looked at different insurances for my move, trying to figure out which one will be the best and the cheapest. She told me she will pay my Swedish insurance during the time I'll be away in the States so that's a real reliever, I love my mom, she always helps me out. Not economically I mean, I make sure that the bills are paid and that I can do this trip, that's how I've been raised, but she lends me money when I'm short (which doesn't happen often). Ever since I turned 18 I had to pay a certain amount each month when I was still living at home and I'm grateful that my mom don't pay my bills all the time, it teaches me to be economic.

You know, even though the internet is a real time-thief, it's real good sometimes, real good. After Michael Jackson died I became a member of the Heal the World Foundation and this girl contacted me. Her name was Sinai. We've been talking regularly through HTWF and FB ever since and we've grown closer and closer. There's still soo much more to find out about each other but I really love talking to her, she cheers me up and gives me advice. She lives in Miami and she's promised me to come visit me in LA, and who knows, maybe even I can come visit her in Miami. Hopefully. Today I found out that we want to be in the same business, SHOWBIZ. Do what you wanna do girlfriend, anything you want you can do it! I'll support you all the way, and you'll be my one of two friends in the whole of US when I get there. I'LL NEED YOU!



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